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EST. 1982


Tree Towne is a family business, now in its third generation. The seeds for Tree Towne began as a small sideline project almost 50 years ago when Grandpa Lucas began growing scotch pine and blue spruce on 80 acres of land in a rural area north of Grand Rapids.


The business moved to West Palm Beach in 1982 when Jack Lucas, second generation, saw an opportunity. The business grew and the farm was sold off when Grandpa Lucas retired. Jack's three kids help extensively in the business and have since they were about 8 years old. First by helping tag trees in the mountains of North Carolina. Now, Sara and Scott are working full-time in the business. Nicole, together with her husband Charles, recently welcomed their second child, Ben, which means Charlie is now a big brother! We look forward to seeing them take over the family business in the future. 

Pictured left to right: Sara, Nicole, Scott, and Jack.

The family still handpicks a large percentage of our trees to guarantee the best quality possible.  Almost nobody in the nation does that! For over 40 years now we have guaranteed our Christmas Trees are the best possible quality. We take pride in the decorations and cleanliness of our lots.

Christmas means a lot to the Lucas family. During the season it means long days and lots of work! Christmas Day it means mission accomplished, knowing that we did it so our customers could enjoy their holiday in the best way possible, with a fresh, real Christmas Tree. 


We want your Christmas Tree purchase to be a memorable one. All our lots offer a fun place for the kids to play, photogenic scenery that gets you in the Christmas spirit, even in sunny South Florida, and most importantly, friendly staff there to help you find that perfect tree! Tree Towne is truly a family business and tradition that we are proud of. It is our honor to be a part of your family Christmas for 40 years!

EST. 1982

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