Annual Christmas Tree Report
2024 Report
Hurricane Helene had a major impact on North Carolina, causing many Christmas tree growers to lose trees due to landslides and flooding. Fortunately, our North Carolina growers were not affected by the storm, so our selection of Fraser Fir trees will be the best it's been in years!
We will also have Noble, Cook, Grand, Nordmann, Douglas, and Balsam Fir trees to suit everyone’s preferences. As always, we’ll offer flocked Blue Spruce trees for those who love the “snowy look.”
Past Reports
2023 Report
For several years we have been talking about the Christmas tree shortage in the USA. We are happy to announce that the short supply is finally coming to an end. This year we have been able to secure more Fraser Fir, which we know is a favorite species for many of our customers. We will continue to bring in Noble, Cook, Grand, Nordmann, Douglas and Balsam Firs to have a nice variety of trees to suit everyone’s tastes. We are sure you will love our selection this year!
There will be a much better selection of larger trees this year! The demand for large trees in the 8-12 foot range has been exploding over the past few years and we had trouble keeping up with the demand. However, we are happy to say that our selection in that size range will vastly improve this year. As always, shop early for the best variety to choose from.
2022 Report
The Christmas tree shortage in the USA still exists, but it is finally beginning to show improvement in the Pacific Northwest. North Carolina Fraser Fir, however, are still in very short supply. To compensate we will be bringing in more Noble Fir and Nordmann Fir from Oregon, and more Cook Fir from Canada. We don’t expect the retail market to run out of trees early this year.
2021 Report
The Christmas Tree shortage in the USA still exists, so we will be bringing in a record number of Cook Fir and Balsam Fir trees from Canada this year. Additionally, we do not expect to have Nordmann Fir due to an extensive heatwave in the Pacific Northwest this past summer, which caused extensive damage to the trees.
2020 Report
Tree Towne sold out this year in 2020 on December 10th, the earliest by far we have ever sold out! Why did this happen? Well, the pandemic created a demand for Christmas Trees that our country has never experienced. We saw many new customers and many old customers coming earlier in the season. More people wanted trees this year because they are not traveling for Christmas and they are spending more time at home. All this, coupled with the tree shortage we were already experiencing throughout North America, means there are just no trees left. Tree Towne is not the only one to sell out early. Tree stands around the country and even in Canada sold out as early as the week of Thanksgiving. If you were unable to get a tree this year, we are very sorry. Please do come earlier in the season next year, as we expect the shortage to continue, even if the pandemic has ended.
2016-2022 Christmas Tree Shortage
It takes an average of 7 years for a 5-6 foot Christmas Tree to grow. Because of this, farmers have to estimate what the demand will be 7+ years from now. During the recession of 2008, there was a decrease in demand for trees, and thus, a surplus. This led farmers to plant fewer trees during this time period and in the years following.
Other factors:
Older generations of farmers are retiring and there is less interest from the younger generation to take over the business.
There was a shortage of seedlings, resulting in fewer being planted in the ground.
Some farmers have sold off all their trees in order to sell their land to developers.
Now that the economy has recovered, the demand for Christmas trees is back up, higher than ever. Unfortunately, the supply was very tight for several years. Luckily in 2023 that shortage is coming to and end.
You can read more about the shortage in the news:
Nationwide Christmas tree shortage meets increased demand in pandemic
First, it was toilet paper, then yeast. COVID-19’s next big shortage? Christmas trees